Pop-up adicolor at Tsvetnoy Department Store
2018 started for adidas Originals with one of the brightest, literally, projects — with the launch of the adicolor collection.
To launch the collection in Moscow on January 16, adidas Originals opened a pop-up cube adicolor on the 1st floor of the Tsvetnoy Central Market, which worked until the end of the month and attracted the attention of thousands of visitors.
The main sign colors of the collection — Bluebird Blue, Fairway Green, Scarlett Red and Sun Yellow, formed the basis of four demonstration zones of the stand. In the stand zones the most complete assortment of the collection of the corresponding color was presented, and inside the the visitors could not only try on clothes, but also take part in photo activations. adicolor Pop-up cube with a red photo zone in the style of fire evacuation, a green photozone reminiscent of the legendary Zone-51, a yellow photozone with a «banana rain» and a blue photozone in the style of a pool was placed at the main entrance to the Tsvetnoy Central Market and could not go unnoticed.
Over 16 days of the project, we managed to attract more than 70,000 visitors to the Tsvetnoy Central Market, and also to blow up social networks with thousands of bright posts.